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The Brazilian delegation visited HOPEFULL grain and oil group

Release time:2010-04-15

On April 15th,Mr. Luiz Medeiros Pinto, director of industrial and commercial bureau of the state of Goias (Goias) of Brazil visited our company together with Brazilian delegation containing more than 20 people. The delegation members included Mr. Juraci Oliveira, mayor of RIO VERDE, Mr. Levy Rei DE Franca, director of education department, and the directors from association of animal husbandry and agriculture, industrial association, state agriculture and animal husbandry bureau, and agricultural cooperatives (Cooperative Mista Agropecuaria). Mr. Shi Kerong, chairman of HOPEFULL and Mr. Tan Lin, manager of oversea company greeted them warmly and accompanied them while visiting.

In the Moring, Brazil delegation, Mr. Shi Kerong and the leaders of oversea company carried on the lively discussion about the soybean imports, production-oriented industry investment and so on. After the in-depth research and communication, both sides had reached strategic consensus on multiple aspects including industrial investment, soybean production and import.

In the afternoon, the delegation visited the grain logistics base and learnt about the company development more profoundly, which highly increased their willing to carry on the long-term cooperation and seek common development with HOPEFULL.

Through this meeting, the company will further expand overseas markets and take more powerful strides in terms of internationalization.

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