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Expert Consultation
What is Omega-3?

Release time:2015-01-12

  Omega-3, calledΩ-3 、 w-3 、 n-3, has a Chinese name “Ou miga-3”or “Ou meijia-3”. It is a group of PUFA, existing in abyssal fishes and some plants, which benefits human’s body a lot. On the chemical structure, Omega 3 is a composed of an interconnected long chain of carbon and hydrogen atoms (more than 18 carbon atoms), with 3-6 unsaturated bonds (i.e., a double bond). It is called Omega-3 for that the first unsaturated bond is at the end of the methyl 3 carbon atoms.

  There are three main kinds of omega-3 fatty acids composition. The important omega-3 essential fatty acids include alpha linolenic acid, eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), which are PUFA.

  The first one is derived from the ALA alpha linolenic acid plant, with three double bonds of polyunsaturated fatty acids.

  The second and the third eicosapentaenoic acid come from fish (containing five unsaturated bond) and Docosahexaenoic acid (containing six unsaturated bond).

Machining function

  1.Promoting the neutral or acid cholesterol from fecal discharge and inhibiting intrahepatic lipid and lipoprotein synthesis result in the reduction of cholesterol in blood, triglyceride, LDL, VLDL and the increase of HDL.

  2.Participate in metabolism of arachidonic acid (Eicosatetraeonic acid). It can produce the prostaglandin compounds PGI3 and TXA3. The metabolites of arachidonic acid are the front ring element (PGI2) and thromboxane (TXA2); PGI2 render diastolic blood vessels and anti platelet aggregation, preventing thrombosis; while TXA2 can make vasospasm, boosting platelet aggregation and thrombosis. The functions of PGI3 and PGI2 are the same; however, the role of TXA2 is excluded in TXA3. Therefore, EPA and DHA have the effect of diastolic blood vessels, antiplatelet aggregation and antithrombotic.

  3.Antiarrhythmia and the reduction of heart rate

  4.The reduction of blood pressure

  It is used for curing high lipoprotein hematic disease, atherosclerosis, and coronary heart disease.

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