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"Twelfth five-year" national science and technology supporting plan " green-processing technology and product for large-amount grain " project promoting conference

Release time:2015-12-24

——key technology integration and industrialization for the modern processing of high-value soybean food

On July 30th 2013, "Twelfth five-year" national science and technology supporting plan " green-processing technology and product for large-amount grain " project promoting conference held in Zheng Zhou. The project is the major project in national science and technology supporting plan layout for grain and oil processing with big project investment, which manifests the government paid special attention to the science and technology development in agricultural products processing field.


Professor Jiang Lianzhou, chief expert of the project, dean of college of food science in northeast agricultural university, gave an overall introduction of the project on behalf of the project team. Then the unit leading each subject gave a project progress report respectively and carried on group discussions. The eight topics of the project are as follows: " key technology research and integrated demonstration for flour processing ", " key technology research and demonstration for the quality promotion and the efficient use of rice ", key technology integration and industrialization for the modern processing of high-value soybean food", " key technology research and demonstration for value-added processing for the low-value protein ", " key technology research and demonstration for whole grains and beans edible quality improvement and deep processing ", " large equipment development and integration for green processing of the grain ", " key technology research and demonstration for corn starch processing ", " key technology research and demonstration for modern grain food processing ", etc.

San He HOPEFULL grain and oil group is responsible for "2500 tons/year soybean lecithin deep processing and integrated demonstration" project which is listed in the “key technology integration and industrialization for the modern processing of high-value soybean food” project led by China agricultural university and received national support fund for 3 million Yuan. This project is aiming to designed a complete industrial chain for the deep processing of soybean phospholipil from coarse phospholipids, refined phosphatide, powder phosphatide to the modification of phospholipids on the basis of by-product of hydratable phospholipids generated from soybean processing. Project task is divided into three parts including the research of establishing a complete industrial chain for deep processing of soybean phospholipid, development and research of nanometer liposome and its powder and the research of drug loading fat emulsions.

This project will develop soybean phosphatide products under deep processing, improve the added value of the soybean processing, complete the soybean processing industry chain and lead the local farmers to grow soybeans to achieve the revitalization of the local rural economy and promotion of new rural construction. The implementation of the project will mainly focus on conquering a number of technical bottleneck that limit the development of soybean processing, significantly strengthen the core competitiveness of the industry and the influence to the international market, further enhance China's grain processing innovation ability.

Company will treasure and grasp the opportunity of taking this project and complete the task indicators through hard work and collaborative research, strive for more significant landmark achievements and hand over a satisfactory answer at the end of project execution

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